Collie dogs
A collie makes an excellent home dog and should be taught to do pointer and then pointer, just like a spaniel dog and thus a retriever. He is often trained to perform the duties of other breeds. He is skilled in hunting, has an excellent nose, and can also be an honest insect killer, most loyal to guard, guard, and companion.
Not much is known for sure about the collie’s origin, but his intelligence and outward appearance appears to indicate an affair with the dog. Buffon was of the opinion that he was the true dog of nature, stock, and model for all types of dogs. The shepherd dog was considered to be superior in instinct and intelligence over any or all other breeds, and that with his personality, in which education includes a relatively small part, he is the only true animal born fully trained to serve man.
In shows, this type of dog is always the best in its class. It is considered the most traceable and definitely the most agile. The second favorite of this type is the soft breed, which is a hard-wearing, supportive dog that is well-adapted to work on hills and usually has a large fleet of feet. He's just not cute in temperament due to black and white and he's slow to make friends. There is no dog more agile and physically beautiful to be seen than Cholly Show at the moment. It was produced from the old working type and is now practically a delicate breed.
The skull should be flat, somewhat wide between the ears, and gradually toward the eyes. There should be very low depression on discontinuation. The width of the skull necessarily depends on the combined length of the skull and the muzzle, and therefore the full size must be considered appropriate to the size of the dog. The cheek should not be full or protruding.
The length of the muzzle should be appropriate and pointed to the nose, and the weakness should not appear, be thin, or thin. Also regardless of the dog's color, the nose should be black. Teeth should be of impressive size, sound, and level; Very slight variation may be allowed. Cutting jaws clean and strong. Eyes are a very important feature, and they provide expression to the dog; They should be of medium size, slightly oblique, almond-shaped, and brown in color except in the case of Merle, when the eyes (one or both) are blue and white or ceramic; An expression full of wit, with a quick beep when listening. The ears should be small and fairly wide on the underside, not too close together, but best shaped in the skull and not on the side of the top. When at rest it should usually be brought back, but when alerted, it is brought forward and held nearly upright, with the limbs slightly sagging in the listening position.
The neck should be muscular, strong, of reasonable length, and a fairly arch. The body should be strong, with well-springing ribs, a deep chest, and fairly wide behind the shoulders, which should be sloping, and the loins very strong. The dog should be straight before. The front legs should be straight and muscular, not inside or outside the elbows with a large amount of bone; Forearm is moderately fat, gentlemen show flexibility without weakness. The hind legs should be muscular to the thighs, clean and free of obstruction, with a well-bent choke. The feet should be oval, the soles should be well cushioned, and the toes should be arched and closed together.
In general, he is a graceful dog, with a deep chest showing the strength of his lungs, the strength of his neck, sloping shoulders, and curved veins, indicative of speed, and a very intelligent expression. His leg length should be decent, giving him a sharper, curved look. In just a few words, a collie should demonstrate endurance, liveliness, and intelligence, with free and genuine action. Dogs should be 22 inches long. To 24 ins. On the shoulders, an additional 20 dogs. To 22 ins. The load for dogs is 45 to 65 lbs, for dogs 40 to 55 lbs. Soft Collie differs only in the way its coat is prepared, which should be hard, dense, and perfectly smooth.
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